Parody on John Keats' Why did I laugh tonight? (for Rolf-Peter Wille)

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Parody on Keats' Why did I laugh tonight? (for Rolf-Peter Wille)

WHERE did I sleep tonight? I cannot tell.
O God, I think my brain showed no response
As a reply to liquor’s vicious hell.
Then my hangover I do feel at once.
O Clothes! Of smoke and brandy you do stink;
Say, where? Where did I sleep? O mortal pain!
O Darkness! Darkness! ever must I drink;
And all my reconstructions are in vain.
Where did I sleep? My hair is full of grease,
And I still guess some dim last midnight’s vice;
But yet I think that drinking I won’t cease,
Although today the world I still see twice.
Sex, sun and chocolate are intense, indeed,
But Schnaps intenser – Schnaps I dearly greet.

(c)Franzi (ancient stuff)


Parody on Keats' Why did I laugh tonight? (for Rolf-Peter Wille)

WHERE did I sleep tonight? I cannot tell.
O God, I think my brain showed no response
As a reply to liquor’s vicious hell.
Then my hangover I do feel at once.
O Clothes! Of smoke and brandy you do stink;
Say, where? Where did I sleep? O mortal pain!
O Darkness! Darkness! ever must I drink;
And all my reconstructions are in vain.
Where did I sleep? My hair is full of grease,
And I still guess some dim last midnight’s vice;
But yet I think that drinking I won’t cease,
Although today the world I still see twice.
Sex, sun and chocolate are intense, indeed,
But Schnaps intenser – Schnaps I dearly greet.

(c)Franzi (ancient stuff)

vote also for: SOS-Kinderdörfer:
What can I write tonight? No voice will tell.
My God! Why did I wait with this comment
And do reply so late that now in hell
My wretched human heart burns in torment?

Hope you can forgive me, dear Franzi, lest I have to drown my mortal pain in Schnaps! I just read your parody tonight. Bravo! (By the way: I find two versions of "Why Did I Laugh". Are both authentic?)

Liebe Gruesse,

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