3,00 Stern(e) 4 Bewertungen

My life is so shocking a thrilla
I’m strong like a roaring Godzilla
My dick stands tall
Two pounds each ball
My sperm tast as sweet as Vanilla

Dem call me da last solution
Without me dere is confusion
More smart than Freud
Though unemployed
I’m da king of da evolution

My selfesteem is still growin’
My mind for sure is mindblowin’
I am no fool
No went to school
I know it all without knowin’



come hitha, young fella,
ya strong limbed cave dwella,
ya blabbering youth!
i'll teach you some couth,
ya loose-lipped yarn tella.

say who are ya foolin'
ya ain't widout schoolin'
ya shore ain't no gangsta,
ya but a kewl pranksta,
don't ax ya my rulin'.

Mit anderen Worten: Ich hab tatsächlich nix ernsthaftes zu meckern. Da blieb natürlich Zeit für ein paar inspirierte Knittelverse.

Schöne Grüße von blaustrumpf

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