The Work of a Dentist

3,00 Stern(e) 1 Stimme


The Work of a Dentist

She went to a dentist to show him a dent
Since she claimed her heart was utterly bent
Well, he suggested a little wine
To make her feel cheerful, tipsy and fine
But he did not see that the dent was a hole
That there was no filling to mend her soul
And when he requested to see all of her teeth
Her smile was so bright and yet so full of grief
That he gave her whiskey for a drink
Catching her fall while she was to sink
Right into his arms
And struck by his charms
Her dent was no more
Yes, he found a cure


Liebe Tartan

Na, da hat sie sich den irischen (Whiskey) Zahnarzt aber schöngesoffen ;) Der mag zwar keltischen Charm haben, aber Vorsicht ist dennoch geboten, denn Cha tig fiacail dhut ach na thàining.

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Liebe Grüße vielleicht sogar von Nebenan

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