Last minute...


Okay, das ist ein Versuch, eine Szene aus der Sicht eines Protagonisten "frei Schnauze" in englisch wieder zugeben:

(Wer Grammatik- und/oder Tippfehler findet, darf sie behalten ;))

Last minute...

I'm lying here in the high green grass
The white hot sun burning down to me
It's still, very still
All I'm hearing is the wind floating through the grass
It's so peaceful
Under certain circumstances it would be perfect

But I can barely breathe
You know I'm weak
I'm hurt, badly hurt
A bloody hole is in my chest
Well, that's the way it goes
And yeah, I'm dying

Now there's a shadow above my body
Is it a bird?
Or is it a plane?
I blink because my focus is fading away
Whatever it is, it looks at me
Maybe ready for attack?

But I don't care anymore
I'm already dying
I take my last breath
The world is getting black
I close my eyes
My body is cold
I'm freezing under the hot sun
I'm waiting to leave this world
At least I die not alone

But hey, what's this?
I feel a warmth against my hand
Is this another hand?
I'm fighting to open my eyes
There's a face
Oh my god, so beautiful
Is this an angel from heavens gate?
Is this my angel?
Funny, I thought I was supposed to go to hell

Wait a minute...
I know this face
Hell, I even know those beautiful eyes
They look at me with concern
"Don't leave me" I hear the love of my life begging me
I try to smile
"Hey sweety it's not that bad" I manage to choke out
Now there are tears in those shimmering eyes
They know I'm lying
They know I'm dying
And I know I die not alone

"I love you" are my last words
I close my eyes again ... forever
My breathing stops
I hear a crying scream
Hands are shaking helplessly my body
'Goodbye my love, see you there one day' is my last thought
I fade into blackness
I'm drifting up and away into a light with a door
The last door I must open
I'm looking back and I must smile
Then the world went still
Here I am Lord

(c) 2002 Chakram

... fortsetzung folgt ... ;)

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