Outdoor Patient in LKH Steyr

Outdoor Patient in Landeskrankenhaus Steyr

For info: That I had to accept the service of a hospital so soon after my arrival from the Philippines in April 2017, was for me very surprising. In retrospect, however, it was a stroke of luck, because - among others - a health problem such as my thrombocythaemia can be treated like before in the Klinikum Schwabing in Munich.

18th to 23rd June, 2017,
stationary in Steyr Hospital

On Corpus Christi Day - June 15th, 2017, I was at around two o'clock in the early afternoon in wonderful weather with my bike at the "Schnallentor" in Steyr.

In order to change the direction of travel on the narrow road, I wanted to get off the bike, but .... instead I fell with the bike and landed on the left hip. Well, it did not hurt and I could drive home to Taborweg 27 after I had rushed up. I did not even see a "blue spot" in the evening, but it hurt a little.

Well, on Friday I went to the "Tabor Shopping Center" to buy some things for the weekend. The walking was "endure" and I only needed three minutes longer than the usual quarter of an hour. The pain was essentially only when sitting down or getting up. And after a "walk round the blocks" also no difficulties prepared, I went again on Saturday to the "Tabor".

It was no longer quite like the day before. Otherwise like "usual" - only the pain was slightly increasing. So I asked - I am only since 25th April, 2017, in Steyr - in the "Tabor", where the hospital is located and one thought, from the crossroads just straight out and then I would go directly. And how far? "Five minutes". Aha!

After the night was not pain-free, I wanted to go to the hospital, as I was "accustomed" from Munich. Well, the "five minutes" could be done with the car - I needed more than one hour from the "Tabor", over one hour and a half from home.

Thankfully, I was not "rejected", although or because it was Sundday, and so an X-ray was made. The picture did not give much info, so a CT wasa additional made. But there was also nothing "useful" to be seen on this, so I had to be shortened to a fixed station to make MRT on the next occasion.

I was not prepared and therefore I had nothing with me for a stationary stay.

Well, Monday was nothing with MRT, on Tuesday was maintenance .... so the Thursday was OK. And so I was able to get to know the "hospitality" in this house and was enthusiastic about the excellent service of the team that looked after me.

I was in room 219 - station 12B2.

Well, on Friday it was said that no "fracture" was to be seen .... and thus I could be dismissed and did not need an operation.

to the entire team for the excellent treatment!

Follow up ....
July - August - September - October 2017

Well, also in view of my health situation with - among other things - a look at my thrombocythaemia, which needs a consistent treatment, a return to my home country had become necessary. In Steyr I am ambulatory at the tumor station in excellent care and with excellent care.

And also with my "Bipolar" I am very well in care in the Landeskrankenhaus Steyr, because I do not "hide" with it - in contrary - and encourage other "affected" fellow man to follow my example.

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