
5,00 Stern(e) 1 Stimme


Give him wings
Wings made of glass
And let him fly
To Babylon to walk through Ishtar's Gate
To Tell-el-Amarna to hear the hymns for Aton

Give him wings
Wings made of mist
And let him fly
To Troja to see its fall
To Rome to see Caesar's death

Give him wings
Wings made of wind
And let him fly
To Hastings to fight with William
To the Bahamas' shores to discover with Columbus

Give him wings
Wings made of light
And let him fly
To Wittenberg to read Martin Luther's theses
To Boston to declare Independence

Give him wings
Wings made of thoughts
And let him fly
To Paris to storm the Bastille
To Berlin to hate Hitler

Give him wings
Wings made of memories
And let him fly
To all the places he wants to see
In History Forever

for my History teacher Paul Cheek,
10/9/1949 - 10/26/2001

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