out of depth

3,00 Stern(e) 1 Stimme


I like the rhyme structure.

there is a pride you might ...

It is a crime to destroy the pride of others.
This is the main problem of Hartz IV - to destroy the pride.

I have a problem when trying to understand "it could you like a boat".
it could (you like a boat)
it could you (like a boat)


Dear Bernd

thank you for giving such a positive feedback.

Yes, it is the the natural pride that suffers and stands to be destroyed if one is treated in a demeaning way.
But and there is a but, every human being has value beyond the usefulness as a tool for others and there own ends.
The trick is, not to accept being a mere tool. Because if you let them, that's what you then will be.
It starts with little things like "human resources".
Me for instance I am a human being. but could turn resourceful if treated that way. ;)

Maybe this clarifies:
it could ((you) like a boat) keep you afloat in troubled water

for one reason or another there has to be another "you" inserted if an insertion has been inserted :D

kind regards


Lieber Bernd

wäre diese Umstellung

there is a pride you might
find in yourself
so deep within

it could you
like a boat keep you afloat
in troubled water

so go and look
if you forsook
to groom this spark

from deep within

dem Verständnis dienlicher?



Was ich nicht verstehe, ist die Konstruktion "it could you".
Es kann korrekt ekt sein, aber für mich klingt es unvollständig. Ich kenne aber nicht alle Redewendungen.

like = mögen oder "wie/als"
Ich bekomme den Satz nicht zusammen.
Das kann an meinen eingeschränkten Kenntnissen liegen, aber die Form kenne ich nicht.

Verständlich wäre für mich:
it could be you like a boat
it could make you like a boat

it could you like a boat

"you like a boat" (like= als/wie)


Hallo Label

Wie wäre es denn so?:

there is a pride you might
find in yourself
so deep within

so go and look
if you forsook
to groom this spark

it could [strike]you[/strike] like a boat
keep you afloat
in troubled water

from deep within
(aproved by native speaker ;) )

Liebe Grüße


there is a pride you might
find in yourself
so deep within

so go and look
if you forsook
to groom this spark

it could like a boat
keep you afloat
in troubled water

from deep within


das 1. you habe ich jetzt der Satzkonstruktion wegen, gestrichen, das ich des schönen poetischen Klanges halber eingefügt hatte.

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