The Guest


Prepare a guestbed for your enemy
Lead him to your brightest room
Show him your most friendly smile
Give him your best meal to eat
Entertain him as good as you can

Then in the night
When the house lies silent and quiet
Go to the kitchen and make tea
Take what you need to satisfy your guest
Go to his room while he is still sleeping

He will open you the door
Maybe confused about the disturbance
But he will let you in with a wide smile
He will offer you to drink with him
And spend some time in his cave

You will agree to his offers
Shaking inside
But calm, too, you know what to do
You will sit down on the bed
And he will take a seat next to you

His eyes will widen with amazement
He will remember your sweet stolen caresses
Even in his hour of death
The hard knife deep in his body
The knife you took in the kitchen with great foresight.

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