Best advice

Klaus K.

Best advice

You are thick as two short planks? Don't worry!
You are going to carry coals to Newcastle? Brilliant idea, your application at the "University of Lunatics" will be strongly appreciated! No further assessment is required, you can take a deep breath now!
The next step then: Write the story of your life. Millions are waiting to read your unbelievable experiences, your wishful thinking. And up to now there are no tiny islands in your head, called remembrance, that might prevent you from making disgusting suggestions and so might scare any readers? So don't hesitate, write!

But who the heck told you to join right here? Good friends? Kick them out! They tried to make a fool out of you. This here is solid ground, and it is for approved members only.
And we participants all together, we have to suffer the very moment you enter the stage! That's not fair! See, it is just mean!

So you need a solution? Well, there is a brand new " No Brains Society", which looks like being especially made for you. They take life the way it is. Just a merry-go-round and a never ending ride! A recommended playground for specialists, as you will see. Sounds good, eh? Membership is free, does that suit you? And you can win prizes, as they start a campfire daily with all the wasted paper, all those stories. "Best Burning Nonsense Award" is called one of them.
How do I know? Very easy, I am their club secretary. And I already was a winner! My papers, my stories.....and the crowd was shouting "Come on, let's light it..... what a marvellous flame!".
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Klaus K.

Hi onivido,

....hmm, mal sehen, was ich als Sekretär da tun kann. Bei mir hatte meine Verblödung bereits sogar doppelt ausgereicht, um Mitglied zu werden. Was das angeht, sehe ich leider völlig schwarz für dich. Fünf Sprachen, IQ 155 und dann auch noch Nichtraucher. Der Vorstand wird nicht begeistert sein. Abwarten.... Mit Gruß, Klaus


oh mei Klaus, frueher konnte ich 4 Sprachen. Jetzt brauche ich alle 4 , um das ausdruecken zu koennen , was ich sagen will. Deshalb schreibe ich manchmal was, damit ich nicht alles vergesse, also nicht , weil ich einen musischen Drang verspuere.

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