In the Fields in Frost and Snow


In the Fields in Frost and Snow

In the Fields in Frost and Snow,
two aliens landed early;
You could find two rockets so,
You could find them yearly:
Landing here, landing there,
Here a sound, there a sound, every where a sound,
Between the two rockets hive
Strawberries in Country-Life.

When the ladders were stretched out
Little green men you could see,
And they crawled the ladders down,
And they bowed their knee.
Bowing here, bowing there,
Here a bow, there a bow, every where a bow,
Between the too rockets grow,
Strawberries just streight in row.

Soon they looked around and found,
That on earth they lay;
They just left the earthly ground
On the milky way:
Fleeing here, fleeing there,
Here a flee, there a flee, every where a flee,
They just left the earthly ground
to the milky way around.

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